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Heritage, Other Buildings of Interest
Quinta and Chapel of Santa Bárbara
Other buildings of interest

Already in the 16th century there was a farm here, called Quinta do Paio because it belonged to D. Francisco de Melo Sampaio, grandson of the castellan of Punhete and a friend of Camões who dedicated a trove to him from the famous Banquete das Trovas. From the times of Camões, whose passage through the farm is very likely, there are still some buildings, with emphasis on the cellars, now adapted to a restaurant with the designation Refeittório Quinhentista.

It belonged, in the 17th century, to D. Fernando Mascarenhas Lencastre, captain of Goa, governor of India and later of Pernambuco who, by will of 1714, donated the farm, then called Santa Bárbara, to the Jesuits. From then until the order’s expulsion from Portugal, in 1759, the farm knew its period of greatest splendour.
It was the Jesuits who ordered the restoration and improvement of the chapel, through a contract established with the Italian sculptor João António de Pádua, in 1739. The magnificent altarpiece and ashlar of tiles that tell the story of Santa Bárbara deserve special mention.

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Image source: Municipality of Constância

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Updated on 30/04/2024
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