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Culture, Viewpoints
Clock Tower – Viewpoint of Time
One of the most beautiful views of Constância

The tower where Constância’s public clock is installed is what remains of the old chapel of S. Pedro, a Baroque temple that was demolished in the 19th century, giving way to the private house that, due to its proximity, is known as Casa da Tower.
Although the constructions are contiguous, they do not communicate with each other and are two completely different buildings from different eras. The house is a family home, while the tower is managed by the municipality, which guarantees its conservation and that of the clock.

Installed at the end of the 18th century, Constância’s public clock is one of the few of its kind operating in Portugal. It is a complex machine weighing over 100 kilos, probably made in France, which has the particularity, like all tower clocks of its time, of having only one hand: the hour hand.
It was meticulously repaired by a master watchmaker in 2002. On that occasion, the City Council carried out conservation and enhancement works on the tower, creating the Miradouro do Tempo from where visitors can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of Constância.

For booking/scheduling visits, please contact the Tourist Office on 249 730 052.

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Image source: Municipality of Constância

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Updated on 30/04/2024
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